Thursday, October 31, 2019

Interview - See details Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Interview - See details - Essay Example Finally, the interview with the parent revealed a perspective greatly varying from the previous internal perspectives. The parent placed most emphasis on student success on the actual student. Introduction The 21st century has ushered in a new host of challenges. While globally there are emerging concerns over energy and the environment, some of the most prominent domestic concerns involve education. If the United States is going to remain successful in this increasingly competitive global world education will undoubtedly play a major role. As a means of investigating some of the challenges and perspectives in education this essay constitutes an analysis of perspectives gained from a teacher, administrator, and parent. To ensure confidentiality the names and personal information of these individuals have been withheld. Analysis The first interview that was conducted was with a teacher. There was a large amount of significant information gained from this interview. The specific teache r works at a high school. They informed me that they currently teach junior and senior level English classes. They have an Advanced Placement class, as well as classes at different ends of the educational spectrum; in this way they indicated that they gain a broad view of the different students at the school. In terms of specific background information they stated that they had a Bachelor of Arts Degree in English and had worked for a period in instructional design. They indicated that there were a few difficult parts of the job. To a large extent these challenges seem to be indicative not simply of this teacher’s classrooms, but endemic of the larger school environment. In this way one of the greatest challenges is motivating the lower-tier students. Many of these students refrain from completing any after school work. This makes reading novels or any engaging in any extended material difficult. Additionally, classroom behavior in these environments oftentimes suffers as the students are disengaged from the lesson plan. While the teacher expressed a great amount of joy he received from his profession, it’s clear that he was also disenchanted with much of the process. For instance, he found some of the administration at the school lacking. He indicated that while he recognizes the importance of a strong administrative staff, many of the administrators at the school had not been inside of a classroom in many years. He believed then that there was a significant divide between what their perceptions were and the actual occurrences of the classroom environment. This perspective seemed to be thematic throughout the interview. In this way he believed that innovation and lesson plan development at the school was highly difficult to achieve because of an administrative staff that was chained to antiquated methods of instruction. One notable point he made was that with the onset of the Digital Age students are increasingly engaged with digital technology; still the school environment remains committed to traditional teaching practices. He believed that much of the behavior problems he had in his lower-level English classes can be attributed to students who were rejecting these traditional teaching methods. There is the recognition that research literature has supported this teacher’s position. For instance, Kember (2008, p. 249) indicated that one of the primary determinants of student motivation was perceived relevancy. In these regards it seems

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Ethics, Values, and Social Responsibility Research Proposal

Ethics, Values, and Social Responsibility - Research Proposal Example Fraudulent practices are common nowadays especially in the aspects where there is money involved. People have witnessed substantial cases particularly in accounting practices. There is a necessary accounting practice ethics because this consideration is giving a certain degree of credibility and integrity of the corporate world. Leaders are vulnerable to engage in corrupt practices just to optimize generation of profit for the benefit of their advantage and the company. As a result, not disclosing the exact amount for accounting purposes and tax declaration entices the leaders or the management to go for the safest way that may be in favor for their profit generation. Here where the common fraud exists, which may have prior approval of the management or the corporate leaders. On the other hand, the work at the corporate world without question may undeniably extend to one’s personal life. This is a common scenario by which employees were constantly tracked in their online via t heir social networking accounts by their leaders or managers. This at some point may be a violation of their privacy and freedom of expression considering that some thoughts or gestures they initiated on the social media may be taken against them within the context of the corporate discipline. Another important ethical issue facing the leaders and the corporate world is confined within the context both external and internal to marketing. Marketing is primarily about conveying of information, and for the sake of convincing the target market, the use of deceptive schemes has become a common action that clearly at some point will also have to undergo leader’s approval. Next to marketing, another common ethical issue involving the corporate world and leaders is about paying employees. Some corporate organizations with the sheer approval of their leaders decide to pay their employees a kind of compensation which might not eventually fall on the standard. This is for the sake of op timizing profit and such direction has to be initiated for the disadvantage of the employees by not paying them the exact or right amount for their given time and effort for the company. Finally, perhaps the oldest of its kind in the array of ethical issues facing the corporate world and leaders is the issue of discrimination triggered by race, ethnic, origin, gender and sexual orientation. This is still common to exist in some organizations today where leaders may have certain bias or prejudice against certain groups of people or organizations. As a result, they have to employ relevant company policies and most of them have to be strongly integrated with the hiring process. For them, it is the best way to fire people while they are not yet hired. These are just some of the common ethical issues one may potentially raise as taking place in the corporate arena and affecting its leader’s actual credibility and integrity to lead the entire team. Knowing which of these is particu larly taking the lead is the next point of the work at hand. Using the relevant related literature review concerning this issue will lead to the opportunity to rank these ethical concerns. Ranking the Ethical Issues Business leadership and corporate social responsibility have clearly become the common primary concern in the context of business ethics in the age of globalization (Pies, Beckmann & Hielscher, 2010; Selart & Johansen,

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Emerging Issues In Tourism Tourism Essay

Emerging Issues In Tourism Tourism Essay As one of the largest industries, tourism has had an average annual increase of 6.6 per cent over the last half century, with international travel rising continuously and alternative tourism having a main role in this transaction. Nature-based tourism and ecotourism, with accepted definitions through tourism industry will be discussed in this report. Uniqueness and differences of ecotourism from mass tourism will be explained and benefits of ecotourism will be referred as well. An ecotourism destination; Galapagos Islands will be briefly introduced and the strategies being implemented in the specific destination will be indentified. Ecotourism is significant, special nowadays for the environment, the culture and also for the economy. So, what is the future of ecotourism? Will the efficient use of the natural resources and heritage of Galapagos Islands be a sufficient factor to maintain the importance of ecotourism? The future will be discussed as well. Tourism is a complex sector with many challenges and chances at the same time. Α attempt to define tourism and to describe its scope fully must consider the various groups that participate in and are affected by the tourist, such as the tourist, the host community, the government and the businesses providing the product. Charles R. Goeldner defined tourism (2009): Tourism may be defined as the processes, activities and outcomes arising from the relationships and the interactions among tourists, tourism suppliers, host governments, host communities, and surrounding environments, that are involved in the attracting and hosting of visitors. Tourism as an industry deserves significant criticism, not least because in many cases it contributes to the decline of natural areas. A form of tourism inspired by the natural history of an area is ecotourism. Travelling to locations full of natural resources for enjoyment, which at the same time protects the fauna, flora and the ecosystem , as well as the people. Below a more formal definition of ecotourism and nature-based tourism is delivered by Goodwin (1996: 288): Nature-based tourism encompasses all forms of tourism-mass tourism, adventure tourism, low impact tourism, ecotourism- which we use natural resources in a wild or undeveloped form- including species, habitat, landscape, scenery and salt and fresh-water features. Nature tourism is travel for the purpose of enjoying undeveloped natural areas of wildlife. Ecotourism is low impact tourism which contributes to the maintenance of species and habitats either directly through a contribution to conservation and/or indirectly by providing revenue to the local community sufficient for local people to value, and therefore protect their wildlife heritage area as a source of income. Furthermore, someone could say that ecotourism is an educational travelling that provides great knowledge to its participants. The practices of ecotourism are mentioned below: Green Tourism, Alternative Tourism, Endemic Tourism, Wildlife Tourism, Adventure Tourism, Geotourism, Nature-based Tourism, Responsible and Sustainable Tourism. 1.2 The importance and the role of the sustainable tourism in eco tourism. Sustainability is generally an ambition of tourism to have the lowest impact in economy, environment and culture as well. Sustainable development has been proposed as a model for a structural change within society. Sustainable tourism is an extension of the new emphasis on sustainable development (Sadler: 1992). One of the first strategies on tourism and sustainability emerged from the Globe 90 conference in British Columbia, Canada. At this conference representatives from the tourism industry, government, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and academe discussed the importance of the environment in sustaining the tourism industry, and how poorly tourism developments, that attract the visitors, destroy the quality of the natural and human environment. To Tourism Concern (1992), sustainable tourism is: Tourism and associated infrastructures that, both now and in the future; operate within natural capacities for the regeneration and future productivity of natural resources; recognize the contribution that people and communities, customs and lifestyles, make to the tourism experience; accept that these people must have an equitable share in the economic benefits of tourism; are guided by the wishes of local people and communities in the host areas. Eco tourism is a small, though growing industry. There is much faith in the work that eco tourists do and they face a lot of problems and challenges in achieving a sustainable development. Sustainable tourism includes specific practices such as the carrying capacity, the visitor impact management, the visitor activity and the limits of acceptable change that are used in protected areas. It is essential to note, here, that if these strategies are implemented successfully sustainable tourism will provide historical development and will increase the environmental awareness. Sustainable development and eco tourism are two terms that match together and try to create a guideline for successful tourism in the eco destinations. 1.3 The importance of ecotourism The principles ecotourism serves are defined by many sociologists the last years and acknowledge the importance of ecotourism. Firstly, ecotourism minimizes the negative impact to the environment and to the local people. Ecotourism provides a big amount of environmental and cultural awareness to both visitors and hosts. The support of human rights is another principle important to mention. Ecotourism provides direct benefits in economy of the local people and improves the sensitivity of the locals for the environment, culture and heritage. Ecotourism provides benefits to both hosts and local people. Ecotourism generates foreign exchange for the country and injects capital and new money into the local economy. Ecotourism often takes travelers to undiscovered areas where nature still exists with no transformation at all. It gives to the visitor the advantage of education and discovering new places that are far away from the usual trends. Educational ecotourism offers to the tourists the privilege of being aware of the danger they may cost to the environment, in order to protect it. Resorts and hotels around the world started to go green by reducing their energy use and investing their money to eco friendly products. Ecotourism also protects the threatened wildlife of the ecosystems by bringing local and worldwide awareness. As ecotourism works in a location, it respects the peoples culture and values. It provides a chance for relaxation and exploration and evaluation of self. 2.0 Emerging Issues of ecotourism of Galapagos Islands, Ecuador. 2.1 Brief Introduction of Galapagos Islands An eco destination that features inspiring stories about destinations and provides great travelling experiences. The Galapagos Archipelago is a cluster of some 13 volcanic islands and associated islets and rocks located just under the equator, about 600 miles (1000km) west of Ecuador in South America. The oldest of the islands are about 4 million years old and the youngest are still in the process of being formed. These Islands that tourists visit on Galapagos cruises are considered to be one of the most active volcanic areas in the world. About 95% of the islands are part of the Galapagos National Park system, with the remainder being inhabited by about 14,000 people in four major communities (Puerto Ayora, Puerto Baquerizo, Puerto Villamil and Floreana). The Galapagos National Park Service and the Charles Darwin Research Station jointly operate the islands. The Park Service provides rangers and guides, and is responsible for overseeing the many tourists who visit each year. The Darwin Station conducts scientific research and conservation programs. It is currently breeding and releasing captive tortoises and iguanas. This group of 13 mayor islands and dozens of smaller islets and rocks all the result of volcanic activity certainly appear to be out of this world. They are, in fact, an unpredicted wilderness, filled with extraordinary populations of unique species, which have developed apart from humans and their dominating influence. In an effort to preserve the islands as they were centuries ago, the Galapagos have been declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. An eco tourism destination with rich heritage and great experiences to offer. 2.2 Presentation and evaluation of ecotourism strategies implemented by Galapagos Islands Ecotourism was already practiced since the 1960s in the islands, with two Ecuadorian inbound tour operators based in Quito, working together with an American outbound operator. The number of vessels was small, two cruise boats, twelve passengers 39 sailing vessel and a sixty-passenger luxury liner. At the same time the companies worked very closely with the Darwin station and the National Park. During the 1970s tourism infrastructure grew slowly, but from 1974 to 1980 it had a boom that almost double folded the amount of visitors. The foreign owned floating hotels represents the major activity and they are the strong economic and political influence for the islands. The principles or guidelines for Ecotourism projects in the Islands began to develop in the international arena in the 1990s. Internet search engines were used to identify ecotourism cruise operations in the Galapagos Islands using the search times ecotourism and Galapagos Islands. Adventure tours and nature tours were not used as search terms. As of November 1, 2009, fifteen company websites identified themselves as ecotours in the Galapagos Islands. That showed a big movement through internet for the development of tourism in Galapagos Islands. Education of the local population and visitors in the natural history of the Galapagos is a goal of the Station and the Park and programs are conducted in the Islands and on the mainland. An intensive course for naturalist guides, which is required to supervise visitors to Park sites, is conducted annually. Educated bilingual naturalist guides and auxiliary guides are taken place at Galapagos Islands, offering valuable information and help to visitors.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Free Essays on Whartons Ethan Frome: The Story Begins :: free essay writer

The Story Begins The novel, Ethan Frome, begins with a statement from the narrator who reveals that the story was told to him in bits from various people who told it differently each time. The story is set in Starkfield, Massachusetts, a small rural New England town whose name reflects its sluggish and bleak nature. The narrator recounts the first time she saw Ethan Frome, the "most striking figure in Starkfield" who is not striking because he is handsome, but because of the air of ruin that surrounds him. At that time a man of fifty-two years of age, he seems much older. One member of the community, Harmon Gow, tells the narrator that Frome had an accident twenty-four years ago that left the right side of his body considerably damaged. Everyday, Frome goes to the post office about noon, receiving little in the mail except the newspaper, but every once in a while he gets a letter addressed to Mrs. Zenobia, or Mrs. Zeena. Harmon tells the narrator that the accident which caused Ethan's curre nt physical condition was very severe, but Ethan was a tough man and strong enough to live on. Harmon also tells him that Ethan had to stay in town, where most of the smarter people born there end up leaving, because he had to take care of his family, specifically, his father, mother, and wife.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The narrator is in town because of a strike at the company he works for in Corbury Junction has caused delays. Starkfield is the nearest habitable town so he had taken up lodgings with a widow named Mrs. Ned Hale. One day the narrator is need of ride to Corbury Flats where he is to catch a train to the Junction. When the horses on which he usually depends fall sick, Harmon suggests that Ethan, a poor man always in need of a little money, might be able to give the narrator a ride. The narrator is surprised to find out just how poor Frome really is, and Harmon explains that what little money that comes from his family's saw-mill and farm goes into care for his family. The next day, Ethan drives the narrator over to Corbury Flats and back again in the evening; he continues to do so everyday for a week. Through their conversations, the narrator slowly finds out that Frome has an interest in science, which surprises him.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Importance of Pakistan Location Essay

Geo strategic means the importance of a country or a region as by virtue of its geographical location. Geo political is defined as, stressing the influence of geographic factors on the state power, international conduct and advantages it derives from its location. Stephen Cohn describes this importance â€Å"While history has been unkind to Pakistan, its geography has been its greatest benefit. It has resource rich area in the north-west, people rich in the north-east.† Pakistan is a route for transportation, and a front line state against terrorism. Importance of Pakistan Location Location of Pakistan Pakistan is located between 23 degrees.30 North to 37 degrees North Latitude and 61 degrees East to 77 degrees East Longitude. China lies in the north of Pakistan while Afghanistan and Iran are in the West of it. India lies in the East and in the South is Arabian Sea. The Importance of Location The location of Pakistan is not only unique in the world but of special importance in South Asia. Pakistan links the east with the west. Some important neighbouring countries of Pakistan are as under. China There is 600 km long territory of Pakistan along the border of China. Both countries have political, cultural and trade relations with each other. There is a close cooperation between the two countries in heavy machine industry and many other departments. Silk, cloth, machines etc. are imported from China. India India is a Hindu country in the East of Pakistan. There is a common border of 1600 kilometre in between these countries. Both countries are trying to solve their problems including Kashmir. Due to this enmity, wars of 1948, 1965 and 1971 have been fought between the two countries. In the last war, our one wing East Pakistan got separated from us due to this enmity. India is always busy in conspiracy by the cooperation of a super power despite of knowing that it is better for the welfare of both countries to develop  pleasant terms .Fifteen crore Muslims live in India. Their protection is also a big problem. Central Asian Islamic Countries Pakistan has religious, cultural and economic relation with the Central Asian Islamic Countries. Pakistan is the only country that provides them the nearest sea route and transport facilities. These countries lie in the North West of the Pakistan. Afghanistan Afghanistan is situated to the West of Pakistan. When the English got the control of sub-continent, according to a pact with Afghanistan in 1893, the permanent border between the two countries was marked which is called Durand Line. This line is about 2240 kilometers long with the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan. Both countries have old religious, cultural and trade terms. Iran To the West of Pakistan is the border of Iran along province of Balochistan. It is our Islamic brother country. Iran was the first country which recognized the existence of Pakistan in 1947. Iran has made political and trade pacts known as R.C.D. Its name is E.C.O which means Discipline for Economic Cooperation. Iran openly helped Pakistan during the wars of 1965 and 1971. Pakistan proves its friendship with Iran in every hour of need. Islamic revolution has come in Iran by the end of kingship. It has also better relations with Pakistan. Trade through Arabian Sea Arabian Sea is in Indian Ocean. Most of the trade between east and west is done through Indian Ocean. Pakistan through Arabian Sea is linked with the Muslims Countries of Persian Gulf. All of them are rich in oil. In Karachi Bin Qasim and Gwader are important seaports of Pakistan. In this respect South-East Asian Muslim countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, Burunai, Darussalam) and South Asian Muslim countries (Bangladesh, Maldives and SriLanka) are important. Strategic Importance of Pakistan Proximity of great powers: Pakistan is located at the junction of great powers. In its neighbor’s one  world power Russia and the other emerging power china lies. Any alliance among world powers enhances its significance. This factor has been utilized by Pakistan after 9/11. Security and business are two main US interests in the region while Pakistan is playing a front line role in the war against terrorism. Apart from this US interest in the region to contain the growing china, nuclear Iran, terrorist Afghanistan and to benefit from the market of India. Today the political scenario of the region is tinged with preemption policy and US invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan. Iran’s nuclear program, India’s geopolitical muscles (new strategic deal with US) to gain hegemony and to counter the rise of China. Which has earned all the qualities to change unipolar world into bipolar world. In all these issues, Pakistan is directly or indirectly involved especially after al-Qaeda operations. The American think tank has repeatedly accepted that war against terrorism could never be won without the help of Pakistan. Gateway to Central Asia-(oil and energy game): Central Asia is the center stage of new Great games. Western quest for resources- oil and energy resources in the central Asia. After USSR decline, new quest started which is as manifested by politics of oil. Pakistan is located very close to the oil rich Middle Eastern countries. The belt started from Iran and extended to Saudi Arabia. Thus, Pakistan can influence shipment of oil. Iran is struggling to export its surplus gas and oil to eastern countries, Qatar, Pakistan and Turkmenistan pipeline projects highlight the position. In the energy scarce world, Pakistan is located in the hub of energy rich countries i-e Iran and Afghanistan: both are energy abundant while India and china are lacking. China finds way to Indian Ocean and Arabian sea through Karakoram highway, Significance as a Transit economy: Pakistan has the potential to develop transit economy on account is its strategic location, land locked Afghanistan now at the phase of reconstruction finds its ways through Pakistan. China with its fastest economy growth rate of 9% us developing southern provinces because its own part is 4500 km away from Sinkiang but Gwader is 2500 km away. Moreover, Pakistan offers central Asian regions the shortest route of 2600 km as compared to Iran 4500 km or turkey 5000 km. gwader port with its deep waters  attracts the trade ships of china, CAR and south east Asian countries., also the coastal belt of Balochistan can provide outlet to china’s western provinces to have access to middles eastern markets with the development of coastal highways and motorways. Important link in the chain of Muslim countries: If we look at the map of Muslim countries, Pakistan occupies a central location. Towards west of Iran, china extends to North Africa. Thus it can actively participate in the activities of Muslim world-economic development, transport of resources and above all combat terrorism. Only Muslim country with nuclear capability: In the region Pakistan is the only Muslim country having nuclear capability which has great influence on the political, socio-economic activities in the region and the maintenance of status quo in the region. China’s link to the Middle East: Pakistan is the only direct and shortest link between China and the Middle East. Imagine the impact of China on the Middle East, if this link is fully functional. Gwadar Port located in proximity of Arabian Gulf and Central Asian Republics provide it unique opportunity to serve both. Pakistan needs to capitalize on them through better diplomatic ties with Arab states and CARs. It is therefore anticipated that oil reserves and other resources of CARs would gradually become the focus of world attention in coming years. However, in case of â€Å"exports to and from CARs† a peaceful and stable Afghanistan is must. The port will also help in promoting trade with Gulf States possessing 63% of world’s oil reserves and will prove instrumental in promoting trans-shipment essentially of containerized cargo besides unlocking the development potential for hinterland. The most important factor that makes Gawadar Port strategically unique is the location with respect to other major ports in the region, which are all located on the other side of the sea. Gwadar port being towards north can easily provide services and facilities to CARs, Afghanistan and China. Reduce Indian hegemony in the Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean: India has a shared interests with the U.S. and NATO in the subjection of Pakistan. Pakistan would cease to be a client state of the U.S. or a manageable state, because of a likely revolution that would occur in the scenario of a broader war in the Middle East against Iran or a far larger Eurasian war involving China and Russia. Nuclear weapons in the hands of such a revolutionary government in Islamabad would be a threat to Indian national security, NATO operations in Afghanistan, and Israel. It is in the shared interests of the U.S., NATO, Israel, and India to neutralize such a strategic and tactical threat from emerging in Pakistan. This is why NATO has underpinned the objective of balkanizing Pakistan and why the U.S. has talked about taking over Pakistani nuclear facilities via the U.S. military. The subjection of Pakistan is also territorially and militarily to the advantage of New Delhi, because it would eliminate a rival and allow India to gain territory that in the view of many Indians was lost with the partition of India in 1947. Economic Significance of Gwadar Port Gwadar Port is Pakistan’s largest infrastructural project since independence. Gwadar Deep Seaport is located on the southwestern coast of Pakistan, close to the important Straits of Hormuz, through which more than 13 million barrels of oil passes daily. Ever since the construction of Gwadar deep seaport has been undertaken, it is an opportunity for the people of Balochistan to improve the living conditions in their province. Neighbouring countries are very much interested in investing in Gwadar especially China and has already spent $248 million in its construction. The geographical and strategic location makes the Gwadar Deep Seaport at a much advantageous position than other competing ports, like Rashid and Jebel Ali ports of Dubai, Salalah Port of Oman, Bandar Abbas and Chahbahar ports of Iran. 95% trade takes place through sea in Pakistan. Karachi port is handling 68% whereas Port Qasim takes care of 32% of the sea borne trade. The projected rise in total trade by the year 2015 is 91 million tons. This will increase shipping activity phenomenally at the existing port. Gwadar will help Pakistan to monitor the Sea Lines of Communications (SLOCs) originating from the Persian Gulf and bottle neck at Strait of Hormuz. Both military and economic power now depends upon oil. It is expected that Gwadar city in  future would turn into an international hub of industrial and commercial activity, which would not only play a key role in the economic development of Balochistan, but also the entire country. To facilitate rapid commercial and economic development, Gwadar will be declared a special economic zone for a certain period. The length of this period has not yet been determined. The SEZ is likely to cover the city of Gwadar and the industrial areas currently planned and foreseen. The specific incentives-regime is likely to include general tax-holidays, no VAT and generous incentives pertaining to business ownership and employment of foreigners. The main purpose of this concept is to accelerate economic development and investments, both foreign and local, in general. This in turn will spur industrial development and port traffic throughput demand. It would also contribute more rapidly to employment creation and uplifting of the Gwadar district and of Balochistan. Trade Significance of Pakistan with Land Locked Countries Pakistann is located in the heart of three vital regions: South Asia, Central Asia and West Asia and thus provides the shortest access to the sea for all landlocked countries of Central Asia besides Western China. It is a fast emerging junction for multiple corridors of cooperation between Afghan, China and CAR involving energy, trade and transportation. Communication and trade correlation between South, Central and West Asia passing through Pakistan has transformed our country into an economic center, giving a boost to inter-regional economic activity. Geographically bordered by Iran on the west, Afghanistan on the northwest, China on the northeast, and Arabian Sea lying in the south has promoted the multi-lateral trade with neighboring countries effectively from the last decades. Pakistan is blessed with three major seaports, i.e., Karachi port, Qasim Port and Gwadar port, along with Arabian Sea, which are the main passageway for the transportation via sea to Pakistan also it borders with Afghanistan and China. Geographically lack of a common border with any Central Asian state is one of the primary impediments to accessing the region. Tajikistan, which has borders with Afghanistan and China, is the most strategically located country from Pakistan’s standpoint. Wakhan Corridor, an area in far northeastern Afghanistan that connects Afghanistan and China, could be the most convenient land link between Pakistan and Tajikistan. Influence of U.S.A Invasion in Afghanistan on Trade of Pakistan The conflict and instability in Afghanistan in the aftermath of 9/11 attacks and their regional implications had very negative repercussions for the years following the US invasion of Afghanistan not only saw a huge influx of Afghan refugees across the border into Pakistan but also witnessed a sudden spike in the frequency and scale of terrorist attacks in Pakistan. The cumulative impact of these developments adversely impacted the overall growth rate in all major sectors of the economy. Pakistan continues to pay a heavy price both in the economic and security terms due to this situation and a substantial portion of precious national resources both men and material, have been diverted to address the emerging security challenges for the last several years. This situation disrupted Pakistan’s trading activities which not only resulted in higher costs of business but also created disruptions in the production cycles, resulting in significant delays in meeting the export orders around the globe. As a result, Pakistani products have gradually lost their market share to their competitors. Consequently, economic growth slowed down, demand for imports reduced with declined tax collection and inflows of foreign investment. Conclusion From a general strategic point of view, Pakistan location is very important. Pakistan is a junction of south Asia, west Asia and central Asia; a way from resource efficient countries to resource deficient countries. The world is facing energy crises and terrorism. Pakistan is a route for transportation and a front line state against terrorism. Moreover Pakistan has been traditionally ally of emerging economic giant; china. So in the vague of any change in world politics, Pakistans geo-strategic significance would further be enhanced. Suggestions Pakistan geography has been its greates benefit. It has resource rich areas, and today Pakistanis are a spirited, modern and forward looking nation and it is undoubtedly no overstatement that educated and passionate and zealous people possesses the most lush mind in the world. What is needed is to just  channelize energies of people and provide them opportunities to outshine themselves and proper use of resources thereby bringing a incredible change to the fortune of Pakistan. References Dailytimes 03-Jun-2014 Pakistan-lost-RS 8264 billion in war on terror

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Prevention Of Elderly Abuse Neglect And Exploitation Essay

There is a growing concern over elderly abuse, neglect and exploitation as it has been lately estimated that its occurrence has increased over the past few decades.   The first reported estimate of elderly abuse stated that approximately 3% of elderly individuals in the United States have been abused (Pillemer and Finkelhor, 1988), which may be equated to approximately 2.5 million elderly individuals. Elderly abuse is closely linked to medical problems such as physical injuries, mental health disorders, poor management of chronic illnesses and disabilities.   The effects of elder abuse have been determined to be damaging.   Most of the abused elderly people are often brought to the emergency room for immediate medical attention for physical injuries.   A recent study conducted by Shields et al. (2004) over a 10-year period has indicated that more than 50% of deaths among the elderly are due to homicidal acts, while a 25% of the deaths were possibly due to elderly neglect.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Amidst the increasing number of elderly individuals being abused and neglected, there is an insufficiency of reaction amongst medical practitioners, including physicians and clinicians.   It has been estimated that only 2 to 10% of cases of elderly abuse are actually reported to the appropriate authorities.   These cases of elderly abuse involve physical and psychological abuse as well as financial exploitation. Neglect is also another condition that an elderly individual goes through yet is left unable to report such hardship to the appropriate agencies concerned.   Specific risk factors have been determined to be strongly associated with elderly abuse, including living with other people, as well as impairment of the elderly individual’s functional ability.   In addition, depression and excessive alcohol consumption also strongly influence the occurrence of elderly abuse.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A promising prevention strategy for elderly abuse, neglect and exploitation would then be to impose mandatory reporting of cases of abuse in tandem with annual or biannual monitoring of the conditions of an elderly individual.   Such mandatory act of reporting would thus put the people who are responsible for the care of an elderly individual to be responsible for any physical, mental, social or financial burdens that the elderly individual would experience. The people involved with the care of the elderly individual would include the children of the elderly person, as well as the physician, counselor and therapist of the elderly person.   It would also be good if the amount of time spent by each person with the elderly individual were determined, so that it would be easier to determine who spends the most time with the elderly individual.   Another method that could be incorporated into the mandatory reporting of elderly abuse is to conduct interviews with the elderly individual in order to determine if he has succumbed to memory loss or not. If the elderly individual is still cognitive enough to interactive with the interviewing officer, it would be helpful to ask the elderly individual if he is aware whether he still keeps some of his financial resources in his bank or some other place.   It would also be helpful if the elderly individual knew approximately how much money and other valuable items such as jewelry, real estate properties and automobiles he has so that there is an estimate of the resources the individual has.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The comprehensive interview of the elderly individual should thus be conducted every year in order to monitor how the elderly person if doing as time goes by.   In addition, the interview will also provide the social worker or any other interviewing official of the government to determine that conditions of the place where the elderly individual is living.   The medical records of the elderly individual should also be checked every year in order to determine whether the physical and mental condition of the elderly individual has been maintained or is deteriorating.   Should the condition of the elderly individual be deteriorating, the main cause of this change of condition should be investigated in order to prevent further damage to the physical and mental health of the elderly individual.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The intense monitoring of elderly individual may be tedious, costly and time-consuming, yet it protects these senior citizens from further abuse and neglect.   Time has shown that mandatory reporting of elderly abuse is not as effective as expected because most of the medical professionals do not participate or are not serious enough in reporting such conditions and the elderly people will continue to suffer.   The tandem implementation of mandatory reporting of elderly abuse with regular monitoring of the conditions of an elderly individual thus seems more feasible in protecting the health of elderly individuals. In addition, the regular monitoring of elderly individuals lessens the burden of physicians in reporting abuse and neglect of these senior citizens.   This proposed prevention strategy also provides a way for elderly individuals to speak out for themselves if they still can.   It is actually helpful and enlightening if the elderly individuals are given the opportunity to express their concerns, issues and problems with regards to their senior lives.   Should this proposed strategy be tested and later implemented, it may be possible to save more elderly individuals from unnecessary pain, depression and exploitation.   These seniors deserve to spend the rest of their lives in peace and harmony. References Kennedy RD (2005):   Elder abuse and neglect: the experience, knowledge, and attitudes of primary care physicians. Fam. Med. 37:481-5. Pillemer K and Finkelhor D (1988):   The prevalence of elder abuse: A random sample survey. Gerontologist.   28:51-7. Shields LB, Hunsaker DM, Hunsaker JC (2004):   Abuse and neglect: A ten-year review of mortality and morbidity in our elders in a large metropolitan area. J. Forensic Sci. 49:122-127.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

10 Things I Learned about Sales from Selling Gum

10 Things I Learned about Sales from Selling Gum On March 7th, I joined a new group to hone my sales skills. Sales Lab, a class at The Wright Foundation, is a place to get coaching and accountability around my sales activities. On my first day, I was asked to share about my business for a few minutes, and then the leader said these terrifying words: â€Å"Your first assignment †¦ is †¦ to sell gum. You must sell it for no less than 25 cents per piece, and you are to sell it in as many different ways as possible, for as much as possible.† My heart rate skyrocketed. Sell gum? Are you kidding me? I learned from my dad at a young age that gum chewing was a bad thing, and that I should never do it. I can count on my two hands the number of times I have chewed gum in my life. And now I was going to sell it? Wow, maybe I wasn’t cut out for this. Then I remembered that I am someone who does not get stopped by fear – and that I could start with baby steps. So I called a friend, who connected me with another friend who works at Wrigley. She gave me some ideas of what could work best for selling gum. She warned me that gum does not sell well online. People like to have it in front of them for impulse purchases. Further research entailed a Facebook message asking my friends what their favorite gum was, and I immediately went out and bought the most popular ones. I wanted to have desirable gum in my possession when I asked people to make those impulse purchases! (A Facebook post asking people to buy gum predictably got exactly 0 responses, confirming the â€Å"in-person† hypothesis. But I’m going to try to disprove it – see below.) Hitting the Streets to Sell My first idea of how to sell gum for high prices was to sell it for charity. I thought it would be a lot easier to sell for a cause than just to walk up to people and ask them to buy gum for 25 ¢/piece. I started carrying gum everywhere. My first sale was in my yoga studio, where one of my fellow yoginis told me she would buy the gum so I would shut up (all in fun). I accepted her $5 check to give to the Clean Lakes Alliance. I continued asking people I know, and a few I didn’t, if they would like to buy gum to support the Clean Lakes Alliance. Pretty much everyone is a fan of this charity, so I didn’t have to work too hard. I raised over $100 in just a few days. I also brought gum to my business planning workday with ActionCOACH. With their permission, I raised money for a charity they support, B1G1. One participant, Mason Tikkanen of Motus Financial, bought a pack of Extra Spearmint gum for $20. One of my favorite moments was when Mason’s girlfriend heard about the transaction and said, â€Å"Mason, I want you to buy me a pack of gum!† Out came another $20 for a single pack. Selling purely for myself was harder. What would make someone spend 25 ¢ per piece of gum (or $1 for 4 pieces) when they could buy a whole pack for $1? I noticed how much more fear came up for me when I was not leaning on charity as a justification for my high prices. I tried â€Å"I’m selling gum. How much would you like to buy?† That worked with people who knew what I was up to. In some situations, I promoted the feature of a â€Å"variety pack† – You could get 4 different flavors of gum for $1. That’s something you don’t get in the stores. And you can’t buy just one piece of gum in the stores either. I got some mileage from that as well as from â€Å"I’m doing this for a class.† 10 Sales Lessons from Selling Gum I count my gum selling project as a success. Here’s a list of some of the things I learned, in addition to the above: Relationship is key. People I knew, or who had a common connection with me, were more likely to buy than people I did not know. Sales can build relationship. I had more in-depth conversations with some of the people I sold to than I ever had before. Follow-up is also good for relationship. One woman let me know she didn’t like the gum I sold her. I gave her a couple of free pieces and I had a happy customer! When I’m selling, I often feel very alive as I think of new, creative ideas, especially when they work – and I often feel hurt when I experience rejection. This is all part of the game. People spend money when they think they will make someone else happy, or when the money is going to charity. One woman started with a no, but then got excited about wrapping the gum in a bow and give it to her daughter, along with a sweet note. Giving free tastes leads to more sales. Many people do not carry cash, but they will pay by Venmo, PayPal, Chase QuickPay, etc. If they want to buy, they’ll find a way. People don’t buy under pressure. The best time to sell things is when people are hanging around and not trying to get somewhere. If you are a pet owner, be careful if you buy anything with Xylitol. As healthy as Xylitol might be for humans, it’s very harmful to pets! A huge majority of gum chewers want minty gum. That’s why the minty gum is so prominent in drug store aisles. Juicy Fruit just doesn’t take care of coffee breath. It’s often cheaper to buy gum in single packs than in multi-packs. No bulk discounts for consumers in this market. Wanna Play? My gum sales are going to end at the end of the day today, March 20th. You have a chance to buy some gum from me! No obligation of course, but if you think this would be fun, then please play with me! I have flavors like Orbit Wintermint, Extra Spearmint, Trident Strawberry, and Spry Peppermint, Spearmint, and Cinnamon. I’ll get different flavors if they are your favorites. If you’d like to have some fun with gum, pick 4 or more pieces you want and I’ll mail you a special package of your chosen gum. It will be in a cute bag and everything. Minimum purchase is $1 and you can buy as much as you want at minimum 25 ¢/piece. You can pay by Venmo (@Brenda-Bernstein), PayPal (, or Chase QuickPay ( I might be crazy, but life is all about risk, so I’m doing this! Curious to see how you respond. Category:Blog ArticleBy Brenda BernsteinMarch 19, 2018 2 Comments Larry says: March 20, 2018 at 8:45 am Lesson Number 1- Dont try to sell gum to someone who has been having major dental work. (Which is why I cant help you out this time.) Lesson Number 2 This one Ive learned from your posting. Sales of low cost items to consumers is quite different than sales of high cost items to businesses. (Back when I sold global computer online solutions to top corporations for GE, they gave us several sales courses that went into exact wording to use at various points, flowcharts, etc. that worked!) Lesson Number 3 I wish I could remember how I sold the most of some similar item when I came in first for my Hebrew School, a long time ago. Lesson Number 4 My mother (of blessed memory) took up gum chewing when she gave up smoking. So perhaps finding a source of people who quit smoking might be one approach. I do agree that building relationships is important. The question is whether you can successfully do that remotely over social networking? Log in to Reply Brenda Bernstein says: March 20, 2018 at 8:57 am Thanks for your insights, Larry! True no gum for anyone with dental issues. It sticks to things. Regarding the relationships over social networking, I believe its possible. When I sent out an offer last week to get my LinkedIn Profile Review service for $50 for a limited time, 10 people stepped up to take advantage of the offer. I believe they felt a level of relationship and trust with me because of my ongoing writing and visibility. Many of them had been following me for years. When I spoke with them, I felt like we knew each other on some level, even though our only connection is that they have been reading my blog. That level of connection might not be enough to sell gum, but well see! Log in to Reply

Monday, October 21, 2019

Wellbeing And Autistic Spectrum Disorder Essays

Wellbeing And Autistic Spectrum Disorder Essays Wellbeing And Autistic Spectrum Disorder Essay Wellbeing And Autistic Spectrum Disorder Essay I work as the Health A ; Safeguarding Manager at a residential school for kids aged 5-19 with Learning Disabilities. Over 50 % of these have a diagnosing of Autistic Spectrum Disorder ( ASD ) . For the intent of this TMA I am traveling to concentrate on those of this group who have severe larning disablements and associated disputing behavior and are placed with us as a 38 hebdomad residential arrangement ; hence traveling place to household during school vacations. This amounts to 42 % ( 20 ) of the entire population I work with. ASD is defined as holding communicating jobs with address, facial looks, gestures, and organic structure linguistic communication ; jobs in societal interaction such as relationships, hapless societal accomplishments, deficiency of apprehension and empathy/insight, and inappropriate oculus contact ; and jobs with flexibleness of idea, being stiff and immune to alter, and showing obsessive and ritualistic behaviors. OASSIS describes ASD as compromises childhood, and has a ruinous consequence on mundane life.A It impairs effectual communicating with and understanding of others, societal ability and flexibleness, and sets apart those with ASD from their more normal equals ; it besides gives rise to high degrees of anxiousness ( World Wide Web. ) . How so to analyze the significance of wellbeing and show the publicity of this in a group of kids and immature people already at a disadvantage through how their diagnosing impacts on them daily. As wellness and well-being is an of import portion of my function I thought it peculiarly relevant to concentrate on this more complex group who can non pass on their demands and wants efficaciously. What is wellbeing? The Cambridge Dictionary Online defines wellbeing as the province of experiencing healthy and happy , which fits with my initial ideas on the significance of this. But, as discussed in Unit 5 of Block 2 the term is a wide one and based on a more holistic attack ( K346, Block 2, Unit 5, p.68 ) . Health plays a big portion in a individual s well-being, with wellness in itself being a wide topic. Health covers both physical and mental/psychological wellness. The BMA ( 2006 ) cited a scope of factors that can impact mental wellness, such as exercising, diet, speaking about feelings and larning new accomplishments, entree to originative activities, and the environment a individual lives in ( K346, Block 2, Unit 10, Activity 10.9, Child and Adolescent Mental Health: a Guide for Healthcare, p. 33 ) . This fits with the holistic accent of the term as it is based in the basic demands of mundane life. In my workplace we were, up until April 2011, inspected by OFSTED under the five results from Every Child Matters: Change for Children that the Department for Education and Skills ( 2003 ) stated were cardinal to wellness and well-being in childhood. These were, as listed in Unit 5 ( K346, Block 2, Unit 5, p.69 ) Bing healthy Staying safe Enjoying and accomplishing Making a positive part Achieving economic well-being Indeed, the personal attention files for our immature people were based on these results which placed wellbeing at the Centre of service bringing, and aimed to supply grounds that wellbeing was being monitored, addressed and promoted. We now know that ECM is defunct and it appears there will be more accent on safeguarding and cultural and diverseness demands from an inspectorate point of position. This is following the Munro Review into Child Protection ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) which is presently driving the policy in monitoring and farther developing societal attention services for kids and immature people. I feel this so demonstrates that the significance of wellbeing on paper in my workplace and company is led by the current policy driver and inspectorate outlooks. Indeed, attention staffs are being asked to get down looking at accommodating attention files to show grounds that the new cardinal results during review are covered within the certification available. This so appears to be policy led instead than led by the demands of the kids and immature people we care for. Bradshaw and Mayhew ( 2005 ) compartmentalise wellbeing into four groups. Physical wellbeing which includes diet, maltreatment, disregard, mortality, morbidity and accidents ; cognitive well-being related to education attainment ; behavioral well-being related to alcohol, drugs, baccy and offense ; and emotional well-being related to mental unwellness, self-esteem and felicity ( K346, Block 2, Unit 5, p.68 ) . I would reason this concept of wellbeing encompasses best the wide significance of such a subjective term, and though policy accent may alter, new constructs can be incorporated into at least one of the four groups. Before I look at the significance and publicity of wellbeing within my chosen group based on Bradshaw and Mayhew ( 2005 ) wellbeing groups, I besides need to see how well-being is measured for this group. Subjective tools such as a Quality of Life Tool as discussed in activity 5.6 and 5.7 ( K346, Block 2, Unit 5 ) rely to a great extent on kids and immature people holding the cognitive ability to be able to reply the simple inquiries. My chosen group map at a really low degree and utilize augmentative communicating AIDSs such as Picture Exchange Systems ( PECS ) merely to let them to hold a successful twenty-four hours without intensifying anxiousnesss. For this group of people their wellbeing depends on placing schemes to understate their anxiousness, this is a precedence. I would reason that a step of wellbeing for this group is based on the recording of what they have been able to entree and accomplish daily without presentations of disputing behavior. Though I concur with Action for Children s stance that kids s positions need to be listened to in estimating their positions on their ain well-being ( K346, Block 2, Unit 5, Activity 5.4 ) , the profound communicating troubles within this group make immense barriers to enable this. By interceding closely with the parents and other professionals involved in the attention of my identified group we are able to advance their personal well-being through the voices of those closest to them. This was felt to be of import in Annette Koshti-Richman s article Listening to parents and carers of kids with disablements which emphasised the demand for professionals to keep unfastened communicating channels with parents ( K346, Block 2, Unit 9, Activity 9.13 ) . My ain experience has shown me that parent s discovery, or are still happening coming to footings with their kid holding an ASD diagnosing really hard. As described in Unit 9 ( K346, Block 2, Unit 9, p.106 ) parents speak of a sense of loss-of the possible activities, accomplishments and escapades that the kid will non be able to hold .. By keeping communicating channels with parents, and recommending for the kids within the wellness services that can happen their ambitious behaviors hard to pull off ( a barrier to wellbeing ) , the well-being of both the kid and parent/s is promoted through family-centred attention. In unit 7 ( K346, Block 2, Unit 7 ) we looked at resiliency theory based on doing good despite inauspicious fortunes , which focuses on kids s strengths instead than exposures ( K346, Block 2, Unit 7, p.91 ) . Though the parents of my mark group do by and large hold high outlooks for them, the immature people s exposures are overpowering and bound development of resiliency. They have no penetration into how their behavior impacts on others, or if others behaviour is harmful to them. They have no job work outing or life- accomplishments and need motivating from a cardinal grownup at all clip to run into their basic day-to-day life demands. The accent is more around maintaining safe ; but in making so we are restricting their experiences based on their behavior presentation and unwittingly non advancing resiliency. For the parents resiliency is promoted. As this group pass the school-holidays at place the bulk of parents have support from paid carers which provides consistence and supports the parent s well-being. This provides modus operandi for the immature people so advancing their well-being. We can mensurate whether their degree of well-being is maintained through vacation periods by whether parents have to entree the exigency contact for support due to escalation in behavior, or return early to school on an exigency respite footing. To avoid this parents are encouraged to take portion in developing behaviour support programs which can go on over the vacation periods. Returning to Bradshaw and Mayhew ( 2005 ) wellbeing groups how is wellbeing promoted or challenged within my mark group? Physical well-being: in activity 6.11 we looked at the wellness of kids in attention ( K346, Block 2, Unit 6, Activity 6.11 ) . The article by Rodrigues ( 2003 ) indicated that kids in attention have higher physical and mental wellness demands and that local attention services do non run into these demands. Unmet needs encompassed alveolar consonant, GP, and optician. Through service degree understandings we guarantee wellness appraisals are completed six-monthly, our GP visits hebdomadally to help building-up a curative relationship with the immature people helping wellness monitoring and signposting to secondary attention services. Our tooth doctor is a specific larning disablements dentist pro-active in run intoing unwritten wellness demands. An optician visits yearly and is adept at function drama and accommodating trials to single tolerance degrees. I therefore feel we do non hold any unmet wellness demands in a group in attention with complex demands. Due to a profuseness of hazard appraisals and a civilization of continual dynamic hazard appraisals accidents are minor ; hurts tend to happen in staff due to aggressive behaviors. Diets are individualised and height and weight are closely monitored. Due to the stable and monitored environment the immature people are in, disregard and maltreatment is non in grounds. This may be more of a hazard during school vacations when parents have the force per unit areas of caring for the immature individual. Cognitive well-being: through being placed with us cognitive wellbeing has been identified as a concern and documented within statements of educational demands. Through statutory reappraisals this is monitored and governments are happy that they attend school daily. The educational attainment of my mark group is improbable to of all time be that above a three twelvemonth old. Through the Education Act 1996 ( ) for those aged 5-16 instruction is mandatory. Due to the low degree of operation of this group it is difficult to show how their cognitive well-being is being addressed via schoolroom activities. The school does integrate a life-skills attack concentrating on bettering self-care accomplishments which will be more good to them in maturity, therefore bettering long-run well-being. Behavioral well-being: within my group entree to drugs, intoxicant and baccy is limited. The immature people are neer entirely within the residential environment or in the community. Their behaviour presentation when dying and therefore disputing creates barriers to overall well-being and may take onto the demand for drug therapy ; when inauspicious side-effects develops this so impacts on well-being. Emotional well-being: in Activity 5.6 ( K346, Block 2, Unit 5 ) we looked at what is of import in stripling s quality of life ; relationships with equals was found to be really of import. Due to my groups really hapless societal accomplishments their relationships tend to be merely with the grownups caring for them. I can happen no research that demonstrates deficiency of equal support for this group is damaging to them, possibly as they lack the penetration to seek it out in the first topographic point. In activity 10.3 ( K346, Block 2, Unit 10 ) we examined psychological emphasis and anxiousness in immature people and how this impacts on wellbeing. Inability to develop accomplishments in deciding jobs and stressors was found to be damaging. My group live in a ageless anxiousness province and can non get by with the slightest alteration. Their emotional well-being is continually undermined through their status. By supplying an environment that is unagitated and familiar and fixing them for alteration we try to equilibrate this facet of well-being, though it is a changeless challenge. In activity 10.6 the nature of kid and adolescent mental wellness jobs ( K346, Block 2, Unit 10 ) the article discussed that those with terrible larning disablements have a high incidence of mental wellness jobs every bit good as their upset. We monitor mental wellness through our service degree understanding with CAMHS. The complex demands of this group mean they receive regular reappraisals. In decision the significance of wellbeing in this group is difficult to specify due to their associated jobs through their diagnosing. Though their well-being is promoted through robust wellness monitoring and run intoing their daily life demands, we can non supply any longer than that as they can non pass on their demands more to the full. They are to the full safeguarded to such an extent that their every move is monitored ; and for this group of immature people I feel this is necessary as to make any other would direct them gyrating as they are unable to get by with the normal challenges of mundane life, and that in itself would be barbarous.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

A Problem Of Child Abuse

A Problem Of Child Abuse Children Being Abused Unfortunately child abuse happens to be very common throughout the world. There are many different types of child abuse, and many different reasons for the ongoing abuse. â€Å"Since 1999, the majority of children confirmed to be victims of child maltreatment experienced neglect being at 62.8%, Physical abuse 16.6%, Sexual abuse 9.3%, Emotional/psychological abuse 7.1% , Medical neglect 2.0%, and Other at 14.3%† (Child Abuse and Neglect Statistics). Whether the abuse is mild or severe, it is all abuse and can affect how a person thinks and feels. Many people looks at a family and assume since the family looks kind and put-together, no abuse happens in it. This is very stereotypical. Child abuse can happen in family, whether they look like a â€Å"perfect† family or not. A perfect family is typically looked at a lot differently than a â€Å"bad† family. People associate poor, non-wealthy neighborhoods with crime and child abuse. Well unfortunately, Child abuse is all over the country and not just in poor neighborhoods and families. It is not only based on the particular race, cultural or economic group. Many families hide what is really going on and try to appear as normal as possible. Embarrassment, shame, and pity are very fearful and are commonly used.. Many mistake child abuse as only kidnapping and strangers. In reality, anyone can be a child abuser: Strangers, family, caregivers, family friends, babysitters, etc. Abusers are commonly thought of having been abused during their childhood as well. which can potentially influence them to become abusers when they have children. However there are many adult survivors that want to change and stand for what has happened to th em by using a child who is being abused by protecting them. They know what it is like to have gone through the abuse at such a young age and they sympathize with them. They are usually motivated to help them and typically go into a career path doing so, whether its teaching, therapist, doctors, etc. There is not one single age, race, or gender that associates abuse. â€Å"The victimization rate for girls was 9.7 per 1,000 girls younger than age 18, and the rate for boys was 8.7 per 1,000 boys younger than age 18.† According to the same source, â€Å"In 2010, most victims of child maltreatment were white (44.8%), followed by black (21.9%) and Hispanic (21.4%). Children of multiple races (3.5%), American Indian/Alaska Natives (1.1%), and Asian/Pacific Islanders (1.1%) accounted for a substantially smaller proportion of victims† (Juvenile Offenders and Victims: 2014 National Report). This shows that child abuse is never targeted, sexist, or consistent, it is completely r andom and can happen to anyone. Child abuse is a continuing problem and is impossible to stop throughout the all of the countries. Child abuse comes in many forms; physical maltreatment, sexual molestation or mental abuse. Physical child abuse is a form of non-accidental trauma caused by the perpetrator. Some traumas include, â€Å"punching, beating, kicking, biting, burning or otherwise harming a child† (Child Physical Abuse). This type of maltreatment is the most noticeable form, unlike children being sexually abused. Sexual child abuse may not be as detectable as physical child abuse. When a child is being abused sexually, it is when the abuser touches the children in their private places . Children look up to their adult figures to be trustworthy and role models; this is why kids usually end up following through with the abuse. Another form of child abuse that isnt easily detectable to emotional child abuse. â€Å"Child emotional/psychological abuse is defined as behaviors, speech, and actions of parent s or other caregivers that have a negative mental impact on children† (Child Emotional/Psychological Abuse). You never know what is being said behind closed doors. Child abuse is not just about the broken bones, bruises, cuts, or the physical appearance that is made. Being emotionally abused and neglected is just as dangerous and harmful. It scars the children, but in an abstract way instead of a concrete way. â€Å"The U.S. has one of the worst records among industrialized nations, losing on average between four and seven children every day to child abuse and neglect†(Child Abuse, Domestic Violence Month noted). Emotional abuse is very deep and may affect a child more in the long run, maybe becoming depressed, anti-social, or losing trust in everyone.Mentally and emotionally abused children take a lot of time and help to recover, depending on the degree of abuse they’ve gone through and who that person is individually. â€Å"More than three million reports of child abuse are made in the United States that involve over six million children a year. Nearly 70% of children who die from the abuse are four year or younger. More than 90% of the juvenile sexual victims know their perpetrator in some way†(Child Abuse Statistics). Children who experience child abuse and neglect are more likely to become violent and interact with criminal activities. Child abuse happens because people often tend to believe that abuse is only physically leaving marks, scars, or â€Å"proof† of physical abuse left behind. People are less likely to intervene in more subtle child abuse cases because no physical mark is left. Often more than not, people classify abusers as bad people. Therefore â€Å"only bad people abuse their children†, but that is not always the case. Some abusers are not intentionally harming their children. Some abusers sometimes may think that what they are doing right, because that is the way they were taught, raised how to be and act properly. That is all they know about parenting, because that i what happened to them. Some may just have some mental issues, causing problems for them to be coherent, and initiating a lack of knowledge for parenting. Substance using people can be a problem of causing each form of child abuse. People are taught how to be parents, how to raise a child and how like a role model for the m. Everyone was taught, raised, and have learned differently. Learning how to take care of a child and provide for one is more tedious than learning how to do a household chore such as cleaning the dishes. Child abuse investigations, each year are reported to the Child Abuse Central Index, also known as CACl. These reports are submitted by county welfare and probation departments. The CACI was created by the Legislature in 1965. This was to protect the health and safety of children, mainly for california. Child abuse has many causes including, as a childhood symptom of mental illness in parents, as the culmination of a lifelong experience of violation towards the caregiver, of environmental and social stresses on the family, and the society’s acceptance and promotion of physical violence. In order to select which factors to study, researchers must exclude other factors. Clinicians, facing a variety of distinctive life events, personal characteristics, and unique circumstances of the families and children they serve, not always content with the explanations of the origin or child abuse found in the research literature. Child abuse and child neglect involve a variety of childhood injuries that are believed to be derived from parental acts of omission or commision. Although the prevalence of child abuse is unknown, the concern regarding the consequences of abuse is, for individual and for our society, is universal. A Problem Of Child Abuse A Problem Of Child Abuse Public schools across the Unites States do not know the challenges students face on a daily bases. Most of the conflict between teenagers and their peers are left oblivious. Everyday one point two million students at public schools go home without admitting their problems, caused by bullies, to their parents. Half of these students’ parents are later surprised to find their child deceased by the following week. Bullying is a tremendous problem that definitely needs more attention and public schools are not providing enough of it. In my own opinion, all schools should enforce bullying awareness programs to prevent from suicides, fights, and an uncomfortable environment. To start with, suicides are increasingly becoming more relevant for bullied victims. Majority of those who actually commit suicide did not pursue any help from their school faculty members. Two years ago in my own community Amber Markly took her life due to bullies. From my understanding, reports have said that she was being bullied by the same crowd of people daily. Through the last traumatizing months of her life only two faculty members took mild precautions to control the situation. The lack of awareness with Amber’s problem lead her parents to find their daughter deceased on a nuisance in her closet. Amber would not have taken her own life if greater bullying awareness was practice in schools. It would have taught the faculty and students to become more involved in situations like Ambers in preventing them from worsening. In additions, there are lots of raging fights due to bullying in schools. Fights are progressively acquiring online, through texting and even by physical contact. Having an awareness program will coach students on how to solve their problems without the need to fight. They can seek help from a teacher who can lead them into the right path of controlling a situation. The bullying awareness program can even include peer counselors. These are student counselors that are trained to help other students through their problems. Peer counseling is apart of the awareness program and can decrease the amount of fights taken place at schools substantially. Furthermore, school is becoming a place students are not comfortable with. All students should feel safe and worry free at school by their fellow peers. If schools enforced the bullying awareness program they can create a welcoming place for their students by practicing different activities. One popular activities done at my high school was mix it up day. This was an activity practiced at lunch in which students sat with people they normally would not be seated with. Doing small fun things such as that create an environment where students become comfortable. Soon it can eliminate bullies by creating a school of students that are familiar with each other in a positive manner and not by gossip spread from one person to another. As one can see, enforcing bullying awareness is a key factor to keeping a bully free school ground. Suicides will decrease as educators increase their knowledge of helping learners in need. Fights can be prevented through coaching students on how to control their actions before someone gets hurt. Practicing fun activities creates a place that makes students feel comfortable in their environment. If one school can give it a chance it could be the chain reaction of tomorrow.

Friday, October 18, 2019

An analysis of COCACOLAs current strategic position, and how COCACOLA Essay

An analysis of COCACOLAs current strategic position, and how COCACOLA will develop these strategies in the future.THIS is an individually written report - Essay Example Coca Cola has around 16 million clients all over the world. The management concentrates more on enhancing the values for their clientele and aiding their beverages business to grow. Moreover the management is working hard to understand their cliental needs whether the customer is classy retailer in industrial market or a risk owner in rising markets. The basic key or strategy is that they place right product in right market at right time. This indicates that geographically company's market is vast & the management has huge control on its market. As carbonated drinks are the highly productive segment so the company emphasis more in its production and promotion as it brings larger portion of their revenue from overall sales The Coca Cola Company currently has different brands in the market worlds wide. The company not only a big manufactures of carbonated drinks but also manufacture juices, water and other drinks. The key for launching any new brand in the market is the culture of the country. Strategic Planning is the tool which a management used to considerate it future course of action. In any business strategic planning is the tool of giving the right directions to the management .the management emphasis on how to apply different strategies in order to expand the business, which policies suits best in all the areas of the business and what are the potentials and how to use them. FORMULATION AND IMPLEMENTATION OF STRATEGIES BY COCA COLA: The

Summery of Celia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Summery of Celia - Essay Example The main character of the narrative is Celia, who is a black slave and is a victim as the story unfolds at each stage (McLaurin.). The theme of enslavement is as put forward by the American constitution then. The constitution saw it right to enslave people, and the irregularity was popular in the south. However, the north did not pursue the slavery institution in the various economic as well as the political endeavors. The story depicts a man who faces the demise of his wife and later on gives in to his sexual desires. The man chooses slavery as a way of fulfilling his desires. Celia is thus the unlucky girl, and she becomes an asset to the man at the age of fourteen years. She did not survive the test of time, and she tends to believe she is born for the fulfillment of the man. His master, Newsom, treats her as a sexual object. Celia bears two children for Newsom. After five years of unbearable life in the homestead, she finds a lover by the name of George. Due to their relationship, she tends to go to her master to end their sexual contract. The effort is unsuccessful. Due to the harassment, she kills her master and is taken to court to answer the charges. The enslavement institution tampers with her proceedings in court before the jury. It is due to the fact she is not able to defend herself in court. She is not given the capacity to narrate the numerous incidents that she experiences with her former master. The right of defending herself in court was as per the American constitution, but the granting of the opportunity was impossible since she was a slave. The narrative articulates that the Negroes in America were the main race that was suitable for enslavement. The Atlantic slave trade was a major boost for the racial discrimination. The story also puts forward that court proceedings and rulings did not recognize blacks as

English as a Foreign or Second Language Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

English as a Foreign or Second Language - Essay Example As a student it becomes even more difficult to survive and mange oneself in a totally new environment because the student is new to the country and he has no one known to him and if he is unable to talk in the language of the people of the country in which he is living then he will be left all alone and there would be no one to communicate or talk with him. In order to avoid oneself form such difficulty it is better to learn the language. For a student it is of utmost importance that he is well aware and has good command over the language of the teachers so that he can understand what is being taught to him. If the student does not have good command over the language of the country in which he is studying then he will have to face some major problems because he will not be able to understand what the teachers are teaching, he also will not be able to comprehend the talks of the students and the student would become very confused and depressed. In most of the universities the medium o f instruction is English. In fact English has become an international language. English has now become the language of most of the people and in many countries the medium of instruction in many universities is English because it has become an international language. But still in some countries like most of the Arab countries, Japan and China the medium of instruction in their universities is their own mother tongue. Students from such countries have to face a lot of difficulty when they move to other foreign countries for continuing their studies further because the students are not at all habitual of studying and communicating in English. For such students and students particularly from the Arab countries like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, etc. it becomes a necessity to learn English so that they do not have to face any difficulty living in the foreign country with the foreign people. The students from the Arab countries like me find it extremely difficult to learn English as it is complet ely different form the native language of the Arab countries; our mother tongue, Arabic. English and Arabic are two different languages which are completely diverse form each other. The origins and basic linguistics of the two languages are completely different from each other. This is the reason why we students find it extremely difficult to learn English. The pronunciation and accent of both the languages are widely different that is why even the Arab students speak English they face quite difficulty in speaking out the words with the correct pronunciation. As a result we students find it very difficult to adjust them in the new environment where everyone else is speaking English and the person can neither speak proper English nor understand it completely. We students find it really difficult to manage with this difficulty. The areas where students face greatest difficulty is when the students are made to focus on the vocabulary and grammar. Grammar of any language is difficult to learn and understand. And when someone foreign is learning a foreign language then it becomes really difficult to learn and understand the grammar and make use of it in sentences. The foreign students also have to face a lo

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Law and Finance in Emerging Markets Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Law and Finance in Emerging Markets - Essay Example In this endeavour the back ground and characteristics of microfinance, the strengths and weaknesses of microfinance, impact of microfinance on poverty, and the various microfinance institutions and their governance have been discussed. Lastly, drawbacks in the working conditions of microfinance had been scrutinised. In addition, several innovations with regard to the alleviation of poverty, by promoting access to finance to the poor, developed by various countries, have been examined. Finally, conclusions were arrived at. The microfinance innovation has not been restricted to the developing countries. Europe has witnessed such innovations during the 19th century. For instance, the credit union notion was developed by Raiffeissen and his supporters. This initiative emerged from an earnest intention to break the stranglehold of the moneylenders over the rural populace and to better their lot. Such unions have burgeoned, since the 1870s, in the Rhine Province and other regions of the Ge rman States. This cooperative movement was adopted by the countries of Europe and North America, and finally spread to the developing nations. Poverty alleviation and enhancement of economic growth are objectives that can be realised by improving access to financial services. ... These innovations include; contract designs, product innovations, and regulatory policy. Recent developments in behavioural economics and randomised evaluation techniques have provided greater insight into improving financial access to poor and low income households.2 It is crucial to provide access to financial services, as the number of adult individuals without such access is of the order of 2.7 billion. The betterment of access to financial services enables families to create assets, countenance risks and defray regular expenses in a planned manner. Microfinance that addresses the genuine needs of the poor has the capacity to enhance family income.3 In addition, it improves the health and education of the children in the family, which in turn leads to less absenteeism from school. Access to finance for small market vendors has been discussed in the sequel. The provision of saving facilities to small market vendors enables them to maintain higher inventories of stock and thereby g enerate higher income. It is to be realised that microenterprises constitute the largest employer in many countries with low income. However, these entities frequently do not have access to credit and savings facilities, which has a detrimental effect on their growth.4 As such, this lack of access to financial services prevents microenterprises from investing in fixed capital, improving their turn over and employing the required number of staff. In addition, firms require savings, insurance and payment services. These services enable them to address risks in a better fashion and provide them with the required confidence to participate in new investments.5 As such, lack of access to finance markets causes many unwarranted difficulties to small firms. In general, the

Human Resources Management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Human Resources Management - Research Paper Example These conventional incentives are inexpensive to the company and yet the result in increased loyalty, engagement, and willingness to do more than what is expected of them. Additional data suggests that a mix of flexibility, recognition, and allowed breaks during working hours as the leading nonmonetary motivators among employees. Top-tier employees want to work in companies that allow for reduced hours, staggered hours, and remote work arrangements. Regular appreciation of accomplishments is a very effective nonfinancial incentive. Employees who feel appreciated for their accomplishments and efforts at work create huge returns for the company as a result of the recognition. Additionally, allowing employees to take short breaks in-between work has been shown to increase productivity at work. The result of nonmonetary incentives is increased employee satisfaction and performance, while maintaining low costs for the company. One observer argues that external equity should always be the primary concern in compensation, noting that it attracts the best employees and prevents the top performers from leaving. Do you agree? The effectiveness of external equity in enticing and retaining top-tier employees is somewhat questionable. This is because the wage rate is determined by the labor rates in external markets. Since there is no uniformity in the demand and supply of labor across the board, no single labor market exists for the same job. This makes assessment of fair compensation difficult as over narrowing of the market can lead to overcompensation of the employees. On the other hand, over broadening the market definition may lead to low wages being set by the company, which may not be enough to appeal to and retain top performing employees. How can a pay-for-performance system increase the motivation of individual employees and improve cooperation at the same time? In order to improve employee motivation and cooperation, companies should evaluate whether the employe es have control over their performance, and if there exists a relationship between the performance of the employee and the effort put it. The company must implement a suitable performance measure that takes into account that job effectiveness can include several aspects not captured by the produced units, sales revenue, or cost. In most cases, employee cooperation influences organizational effectiveness. In a bid to increase motivation, a company may choose to indirectly tie all or some part of an employee’s salary to their performance. Alternatively, to promote team work, the company may link some incentives to group performance, and/or it could opt for a productivity or profit sharing plan across the board. Plans based on sharing the gains of a company thrive in situations where there is a participation climate in the organization. Here, employees are involved in making decisions that increase the performance of the company resulting in a companywide bonus. List and discuss three ways the HR department can contribute to positive employee relations in a company. i. Equity – employees want parity and the HR department should ensure that all employees feel respected in their capacity in the company. They should ensure fair treatment in areas concerning salaries, job security, and the benefits being issued by the company. ii. Achievement – the HR department

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Exploitative Nature of Beauty Pageants Essay

The Exploitative Nature of Beauty Pageants - Essay Example The author researched the subject and acquired statistics demonstrating the malevolent influence of beauty pageants on young vulnerable girls as well as mature women. He was also able to locate and speak with a number of former beauty queens who were quite frank in giving the details of how their lives had been affected by their participation in the beauty pageants. The author’s friends were somewhat skeptical about his choice of topic because they are all models. Moreover, all the information he got about what life really is like for a beauty queen convinced him that the benefits of the title ‘beauty queen’ are far outweighed by the drawbacks caused by it. The researcher’s aim was to inform the audience, which consisted of young women and men in their twenties and thirties about the many emerging beauty queen competitions in the area and convince them that these pageants were destructive and would ruin the self-esteem of any woman or girl that agreed to pa rticipate in them. The author had done a lot of research and documented his discussions with former beauty queens who gave him permission to use their stories. The author was able to use such information in his speech with astounding success. He also mentioned the dates on which he had conducted the interviews so as to demonstrate how recent the issue is. Usually, the researcher is quite nervous before delivering a speech. However, this time he was pleasantly surprised to find that he was excited and could not wait to deliver his speech; particularly when the author saw the gathering audience. Corporate workers and a large group of models sat at the front while the youth occupied large spaces in the back. The researcher’s model friends and he had sat up arguing about the reasons why beauty contents are destructive, and he was still charged for that experience. The author launched into his speech with gusto, though he tried to avoid speaking too fast in order to cover all the points in his speech. The author asked a few models he recognized in the audience about what they did o a daily basis to maintain their low weight. This sparked immediate discussions among the audience members; with some shouting answers and others murmuring about anorexia. From the stance adopted by nearly all the members of the audience, the author could tell that his subject was very interesting.

Human Resources Management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Human Resources Management - Research Paper Example These conventional incentives are inexpensive to the company and yet the result in increased loyalty, engagement, and willingness to do more than what is expected of them. Additional data suggests that a mix of flexibility, recognition, and allowed breaks during working hours as the leading nonmonetary motivators among employees. Top-tier employees want to work in companies that allow for reduced hours, staggered hours, and remote work arrangements. Regular appreciation of accomplishments is a very effective nonfinancial incentive. Employees who feel appreciated for their accomplishments and efforts at work create huge returns for the company as a result of the recognition. Additionally, allowing employees to take short breaks in-between work has been shown to increase productivity at work. The result of nonmonetary incentives is increased employee satisfaction and performance, while maintaining low costs for the company. One observer argues that external equity should always be the primary concern in compensation, noting that it attracts the best employees and prevents the top performers from leaving. Do you agree? The effectiveness of external equity in enticing and retaining top-tier employees is somewhat questionable. This is because the wage rate is determined by the labor rates in external markets. Since there is no uniformity in the demand and supply of labor across the board, no single labor market exists for the same job. This makes assessment of fair compensation difficult as over narrowing of the market can lead to overcompensation of the employees. On the other hand, over broadening the market definition may lead to low wages being set by the company, which may not be enough to appeal to and retain top performing employees. How can a pay-for-performance system increase the motivation of individual employees and improve cooperation at the same time? In order to improve employee motivation and cooperation, companies should evaluate whether the employe es have control over their performance, and if there exists a relationship between the performance of the employee and the effort put it. The company must implement a suitable performance measure that takes into account that job effectiveness can include several aspects not captured by the produced units, sales revenue, or cost. In most cases, employee cooperation influences organizational effectiveness. In a bid to increase motivation, a company may choose to indirectly tie all or some part of an employee’s salary to their performance. Alternatively, to promote team work, the company may link some incentives to group performance, and/or it could opt for a productivity or profit sharing plan across the board. Plans based on sharing the gains of a company thrive in situations where there is a participation climate in the organization. Here, employees are involved in making decisions that increase the performance of the company resulting in a companywide bonus. List and discuss three ways the HR department can contribute to positive employee relations in a company. i. Equity – employees want parity and the HR department should ensure that all employees feel respected in their capacity in the company. They should ensure fair treatment in areas concerning salaries, job security, and the benefits being issued by the company. ii. Achievement – the HR department

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Plato and Aristotle Essay Example for Free

Plato and Aristotle Essay 1. What are the major differences between Plato and Aristotle? Make sure you provide examples. Basically, Plato and Aristotle are highly different in their philosophical beliefs and their various teachings.   The main philosophy of Aristotle is to possess virtue in order to achieve the ultimate goal which is happiness. In order for people to possess virtue, he also believed that everything should be done in moderation only and not too sparse or too excessive. On the other hand, Plato used logic and dialogue as his main tools together with the aid of mathematics in order to arrive with rational conclusions so as to know the universal truth. Moreover, Aristotle strongly believed that acts of good must be habituated in order to become a virtue while Plato believed that merely knowing what is good is enough to be able to do good even without actually doing it. Another major difference between the two is their beliefs in metaphysics. Plato’s believed that there are higher or ideal forms that can only be acquired through knowledge while Aristotle believed that form and matter are inextricably bound and coexist. 2. Are you a Platonist or an Aristotelian? Provide specific examples to help illustrate your points. I am basically a Platonist simply because there are more of this teachings that are applicable today than Aristotle such as his theory of the universal ideal forms. For example, when looking for an ideal friend, that person I am searching for must possess the qualities that I desire. However, it is a well-known truth that there is no such thing as â€Å"perfect† or â€Å"ideal.† But since I know what an ideal friend is, I now have a pattern which I will use as a basis as I search for my ideal friend. I may not be able to find that person but I would definitely meet someone close to that, which is like the shadows that Plato described in the Allegory of the Cave. In addition, I know that the both the sky and a pair of blue jeans are both color blue. Although, in reality, they are not of the same color, I somehow have an idea of what blue is because it preexists in my mind.   Another reason that I also consider myself as a Platonist is because I do not believe in Aristotle’s idea that by possessing virtue, once can achieve happiness. For me, his belief is too idealistic, although his use of formal logic and scientific methods such as deduction and observation is still applicable today.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Ethical concerns of the little albert study

Ethical concerns of the little albert study 1. The first major ethical concern we encountered in this exam period was that of Watson and his Little Albert study. The modern code of ethics denounces evoking fear responses from human participants, unless the participant has been made aware of and consented beforehand. As an infant, Albert was obviously unable to give consent and also unable to realize that what he was taking part in was controlled research. Scaring a child to the point where he is visibly terrified and crying seems unequivocally immoral. I take more issue with the fact that Watson didnt remove the fear in Albert by de-conditioning him, even though he had time to allow for it. The impact of the study might justify ethical wrongs it committed. It is one of the most influential studies on phobias of all time, paving the way for counterconditioning (Cover Jones) and other therapies that have allowed millions of people to overcome incapacitating fears and emotional issues. Another case briefly covered this exam period was the study done by Schreiner and Kling on Kluver-Bocy Syndrome. The syndrome is a behavioral disorder that typically occurs as a result of damage or malfunction of the amygdale. In carrying out their research, Schreiner and Kling removed the amygdale of cats and monkeys (Squire 201). This research led to a greater understanding of the brain and the importance of the amygdale, but obviously came at a cost to the animals involved in the testing. Modern research by Rusiko Bourtchouladze has shown the syndrome to hinder the ability to understand feelings and emotions. He describes how they lose their desire to compete or cooperate and an inability to detect sadness, disgust, fear or rage (Bourtchouladze 83). This is in addition to highly unusual sexual practices and various memory and recognition problems. The research was illuminating, but in retrospect, leaving an animal with a disorder in the process seems unethical and avoidable. The last psychologist Ill highlight is Harry Harlow, one of the most ethically controversial figures of modern psychology. The knowledge he attempted to gain from his research was noble; understanding the caretaker-child relationship and how this relationship leads to certain behaviors and abnormalities in the childs maturation. The execution, however, is highly unethical by todays standards. Many of the monkeys Harlow experimented on were severely traumatized by their time in the research lab. Harlow employed devices such as his rape rack to artificially inseminate monkeys and also a pit of despair to produce isolation and depression. In addition, he purposefully tried to evoke fear responses in the animals and admitted to physically abusing some of the subjects. It really doesnt come as a surprise that many of the subjects of his studies were left permanently psychotic upon the completion of the research. As ethically deplorable as Harlows studies may seem today, the impact of his studies do seem to justify their moral impropriety. The influence and impact of Harlows studies are high; they helped improve and educate society about parenting. Many of those from my fathers generation grew up with limited intimacy and affection from their parents. My dad told me that his father rarely showed any sort of physical affection towards him, never once hugging him or telling him that he loved him. The work of Harlow helped illuminate just how important contact comfort and affection is in the relationship between a child and its caregivers. This principle has also helped positively shape the methods used in dealing with children that have been abused and children in orphanages. Furthermore, some study had to be the one that led to a major push in ethical reform of psychological research. Harlows highly unethical treatment of his rhesus monkeys was a major factor in the animal advocacy movement an d also in the creation of the American Psychological Associations code of ethics. Harlow was wrong, but the publicity and attention he brought to his studies had the side effect of revealing some of the improper and unethical practices that had been occurring within psychological research. Bourtchouladze, Rusiko. Memories are made of this: how memory works in humans and animals. New York: Columbia University Press, 2002. Print. Squire, Larry R.. The history of neuroscience in autobiography . Washington D.C.: Society for Neuroscience, 1996. Print. 2. In contrast to the dominant thinking of the time, John Watsons behaviorism relied only on observable behav ­ior for its information. His Psychology as the Behaviorist Views It is now known as the behaviorist manifesto and is one of the most influential documents in the formation of behaviorism. The prevailing school of thought in psychology at the time relied heavily on introspection, but Watson did not believe introspection to be objective enough to be measured and accurately portrayed as science. In hoping to increase this objectivity, he took the focus away from enigmatic mental processes and placed it on empiricist principles that sought to predict and control actions. Emotions to him werent understandable through introspection but rather as a response to a stimuli. One of his major pieces of research was his study of Little Albert. Albert, an infant, was exposed to a white rat which he showed no visible fear towards. Watson then began accompanying the presentation of the ra t with a loud noise. Eventually Albert was conditioned to associate the two; even when the noise was discontinued, Albert kept his fear response when presented with the rat. This study verified to Watson that conditioned reflexes could be used to explain behavior and that psychological research should be rooted in observable stimuli and responses to these stimuli. Skinner was a proponent of a school of behaviorism called radical behaviorism. In many ways, his behaviorism, which focuses on operant conditioning, has supplanted the behaviorism of Watson. Skinner was focused on behavior as a function of schedules under which rewards are attained. Rather than the reflex focused theory of Watson, Skinner incorporated more the role of consequences in behavior and conditioning. Many human and animal actions cant simply be explained as reflexes. Writing this paper, for example, is not a reflex and the stimuli that govern it do not precede it. Rather, it is influenced by what follows it, its consequences, such as a good grade and the outcome of a good grade. Of interest to Skinner in understanding behavior are the types of reinforcement we get from our actions. Positive results from a behavior will typically increase that behavior and negative results will decrease it. One of Skinners famous studies was that of superstition in the pigeon. Placing pigeon s in a box that would release food at regular intervals, Skinner found that the pigeons associated the release of the food with whatever coincidental action they had performed as it was delivered. The pigeons would then repeat this action, believing it to have an effect on the releasing of the food. This study helped continue to cement Skinners belief in and support for operant conditioning. Tolman rejected Watsons reflex based form of behaviorism. He felt that mental processes could be objective and measurable in the same way physical ones were, broadening behaviorism to incorporate the psychological concepts of purpose and cognition. To Tolman, learning does not have to manifest itself in performance, nor is reinforcement needed to connect stimuli. For Tolman, reinforcement is not the essential aspect of learning that Skinner claims it to be. Rather, we can learn things latently and then use them in a flexible manner that may not necessarily be immediate. He used studies involving rats and various mazes to demonstrate that we can learn even when rewards are not present. Rather than a rigid model based in automatic responses, Tolman saw us as creating tentative, cognitive maps that indicate to us routes, paths and relationships that are relevant to goal orientation. His theory of goal-directed behavior focuses on an organisms behavior, what it is attempting to accomplis h with the behavior and where it is going. Tolman also took Skinners idea of a third variable (a variable other than stimuli and response) and tweaked it to suit his own form of behaviorism. Rather than something external in the environment as Skinner posited, Tolmans intervening variable was something mental occurring within the person or animal, such as hunger, motivation, intelligence, or intention. A June 2002 survey by the Review of General Psychology chose Skinner as the most influential psychologist of the 20th century and I agree. He is often credited with the change in terminology for renaming academic psychology departments behaviorism departments during the 1950s. His work is highly influential in academia, psychological treatment and therapy, and the understanding of learning, education, communication, and human behavior. 3. The person in psychology that we have covered in class that has resonated most with me is Mortons study on skull size and its use to justify racism. Morton conducted an extremely biased study where he found the skull size of Caucasians to be largest and North American Indian and Africans to be smallest. His study prompted many to believe that Indians and blacks were of a different species and, in a highly Christian influenced culture, that the bible was not directed at them. This implied that African and Native Americans were not destined to heaven as their Caucasian and Asiatic counterparts were. His ethnology was accepted as a way to justify racism and slavery against the Africans who were forcefully brought to the U.S. against their will for labor. In regards to the Indians, their mistreatment was justified since they were looked at as savages or a subhuman race. In this theory, it was believed that the size of one skull is the decisive factor in terms of ones mental capacities and belief system where a larger skull is most desirable. Even if skull size was an accurate way to determine intelligence, it is obviously not true that all Caucasians would have larger skulls than all blacks. There might be some Caucasians with small skulls and blacks with larger. He was selective in choosing his subjects though where he had more women for the groups that were supposedly inferior since generally, women have smaller skulls sizes than men. This produced his desired outcome. This was a landmark study because racism had existed long before this study was published. It still continues today after this study was found to be erroneous. At the time of the study though, Caucasians justified the mistreatment of other races. They were inferior and lacked the intellectual capacities so it was not immoral. It was found though that Morton only used data that supported this conclusion and rejected data that might counter his argument. It is interesting that after this study was found to be false, other eugenic studies have come out insinuating that whites were superior. (Herrnstein and Murrays The Bell Curve comes to mind as a modern example.) These studies show the way the human mind operates. It is obvious that there was a sense of guilt in the mistreatment of other races. The only way to justify these actions to God would be through science where treating an inferior group poorly would not be immoral. The inferior group would not understand this mistreatment. Mortons study also shows that the groups doing the mistreating knew that what they were doing was not right. They knew that it was not moral to forcefully remove a race and ultimately annihilate it as they did with the Native American race and on the other hand, forcefully bring another race in a country, stripping them from their families, to act as slaves. Another way that the Caucasian race showed their sense of superiority was through the assimilation of other groups. Many Native American tribes were forced into boarding schools where their language was forbidden, converted into Christianity, and forced to embrace western culture. They did not believe the Native culture to be as refined or sophisticated as theirs. This study seems absurd through the 21st century lens however it was widely accepted at the time. Racism still exists today in more subtle ways. The American Dream is supposedly attainable for all yet there are still disproportionate numbers of whites at the top and racial minorities at the bottom in terms of wealth. Success in this country is determined by factors that are biased towards the upper class Caucasian group. It is possible for other races to be successful but there are more barriers to entry. For one, racism makes some racial groups believe that they are not good enough to make it to college or top jobs in a self fulfilling prophecy. It is disheartening to think that the remnants of this study, however absurd they seem, still negatively affect the out groups today. 5) In class we discussed different cases in which scientists have cheated. There are different reasons why these scientists cheated but all are for personal gain or simplifying their studies. The types of cheating are data fabrication, selective exclusion of results, plagiarism, and ghost-writers. We see these same types of cheating in our world today whether it is in our peers, ourselves, our government, or large corporations. Comparing the case of Kammerer and the actions that resulted in the 2008 government bailout, we see two instances where data fabrication occurred. In Kammerers studies he was trying to prove that acquired traits could be passed down through heredity. Today this is known not to be true but Kammerer proved it through cheating in a study with toads and nuptial pads. The nuptial pads were acquired when toads lived and mated in an aquarium.   He claimed that the offspring of these toads who lived in aquariums and acquired the nuptial pads were born with the pads as well.   It was later found that he had actually injected the offspring with ink to imitate the nuptial pads to support his theory of heredity of acquired traits. Kammerer committed suicide and in a last note, he stood by his word that he did not commit fraud but was suspicious of someone who manipulated his study. During the financial crisis many large financial institutions were selling securities that they knew were not good investments to their clients. Selling these securities would give them money in the short term. In the long run though, they lost money and many organizations had to declare bankruptcy. They claimed that the government had to bail them out otherwise the whole countrys finances would collapse, which arguably happened anyway. The average American was defrauded into debt through the credit rating system. The ratings are used by investors to determine the risk of the credit ideally making the costs lowest for both borrowers and lenders. Financial products and investments were given high grades even if they were risky or bad investments. The low interest rates were an incentive for Americans to buy things they simply could not afford through borrowing. Often times the bankers would bet against an investment or loan that they gave a high rating to. This would give them more mo ney if the loan failed. In both cases the motives involved personal gain. In the Kammerer case, he wanted to make a landmark discovery that would put him down in history as one of the greatest scientists. He did not directly have innocent victims but could have misled the public to believe that something was possible that was not. Also, being a scientist, he should have known that future studies would be done involving his theory and would undoubtedly find his theory to be false. In the case of the large financial institutions giving bad loans and falsely rating investments, their incentive was to get more money for themselves regardless of who would suffer. The United States was the victim in this matter causing the greatest recession since the great depression. People lost their savings and homes. The perpetrators were not punished and should have been. I found the latter case to be far more problematic with fewer consequences. The financial institutions did not seem to have any sort of guilt since it was a large umbrella organization and not one single individual as in the former case. Kammamer obviously felt guilty about his actions and took his own life as a result. In that case tangible things were not taken but rather a false idea was put in the minds of the public. In the latter case, many people lost everything they had. Their careless actions caused many people depression in the aftermath. The individuals on Wall Street failed to perform their job and made the American people pay for their mistakes through their losses and in the tax dollars they used in bailing them out.